Teeth Whitening
In Napa, California

Ready for a glow-up? Try a teeth whitening - an affordable, hassle-free way to boost your confidence. Get in touch today to get started on a brighter smile.

Why Should I get a Teeth Whitening?

Treating yourself is important, especially when it comes to your smile. At Yarris Family Dental, we offer advanced teeth whitening solutions that get you a brighter, whiter smile you’ll love. 

Our in-office and take-home options are tailored to fit your lifestyle and whitening goals for effective and long-lasting results. 

Unlike over-the-counter products, our professional whitening treatments are overseen by dental experts, minimizing sensitivity and maximizing results you’ll actually notice. Ready to get started? Get in touch with our team today.

Teeth Whitening

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Affordable Cosmetic Treatment

Confidence Boost

Safe and Comfortable

Treat Your Smile

What We Offer

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

  • Convenience of whitening at your own pace
  • Custom-fitted trays for even application
  • Professional-grade whitening solutions not available over the counter
  • $500 for both take home and in office zoom whitening that maintains whiteness
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In-Office Zoom Whitening

or $XXX annually
  • Quick and powerful whitening in just one visit
  • Ideal for those wanting immediate results
  • Long-lasting whiteness with proper care
  • $500 for both take home and in office zoom whitening that maintains whiteness
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What Sets Us Apart?

Yarris Family Dental sets itself apart by utilizing state-of-the-art whitening technology, ensuring our treatments are both effective and gentle on your teeth. 

Our in-office teeth whitening treatments use advanced light-activated systems that accelerate the whitening process, delivering stunning results in under an hour. 

For our take-home kits, we provide custom-fitted trays crafted using digital impressions, ensuring a comfortable fit and even whitening across all teeth.

What to Expect

The Teeth Whitening Process


Consultation and Assessment

We begin with a thorough assessment of your dental health and discuss your whitening goals to recommend the best treatment option for you.


Custom Treatment Plan

Based on the initial consultation, we'll create a personalized whitening plan, whether it's an in-office session or a take-home kit.


Whitening Procedure

For in-office whitening, enjoy immediate results with our advanced system that takes around 90 minutes. For take-home kits, we'll provide you with all you need for effective treatment at home. This typically takes a couple weeks.


Post-Treatment Care

We'll give you instructions on how to maintain your brighter smile, including tips on avoiding staining foods and beverages.

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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Frequently asked questions


Will teeth whitening work on all types of stains?
Is teeth whitening safe?
How long will my whitening results last?

Still have a question?

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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